Service Manager


This is the latest version of the help for Ivanti Service Manager 2018. If you cannot find some of the features described in the help, you may be using an older version of the application. To upgrade the application, click here.
To view the help for the latest version of Service Manager, click here

Submitting a Service Request on Behalf of a Customer

You can create a service request on behalf of an external customer and create a relationship between the customer and the request. When you create a service request, you can designate the external customer in the Created By field.

Submitting a Service Request on Behalf of an External Customer (as a Service Desk Analyst)

The customer must exist as an external contact and appear in the contact list. The external customer might communicate the issue to the Service Desk Analyst by email, phone, fax, walk-in, or other means.

1.Log in to the application as a Service Desk Analyst.

2.Open the Incident workspace. A list of incidents appears.

3.From the toolbar, click New Incident. A blank incident form appears.

4.In the Customer field, enter the name of the customer. A list of matching customer names appears.

5.Select a customer from the list. In this example, we typed John, then chose Katherine Joseph from the list.

The system automatically generates the values for the Email and Phone fields.

6.In the Reported by field, you can enter your name or the name of another customer.

In this example, we entered John Davis from the list of contacts.

7.Enter other information as needed. Required information is indicated by a red asterisk (*).

Note that the Owner field automatically shows your logged in ID. You can change this entry if your role has permissions granted by the administrator.

8.Click Save.

The service request is now linked to the customer. When viewing the customer records, you can see the list of related service requests.

Viewing the Related Business Objects for a Customer

1.Log in to the application as a Service Desk Analyst.

2.Open the External Contact workspace. A list of contacts appears.

3.Double-click the customer to view. The customer information appears.

4.From the bottom of the window, select the Incident tab. A list of related incidents appears.

In this example, we opened the record for Katherine Smith and found the incident that we created for her.

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